Minggu, 04 Oktober 2015

How to Make Orb's Energy Text Effect

Here is the items you need to download:

Trees Pack

Green Slime

Skyscraper or search it on Google by keyword “Skyscraper png Megapolis”

Grass texture by Monkdey



Rabies Star Brushes

Fog Brushes

Light Brushes

Helicopter or Modern Plane

Pool Stair

Lens Flare

Step 1

Create a new document sized 1536*900px sized. Now, create a new document again sized 2048*1400px size (We should use the second document first). Give the second document radial gradient with #4c4c4c to #0e0e0e.

Step 2

Create a new document with 20*20px sized. Use deafult Brush Tool to make dots with black color and 8px sized.

Tips: Press Ctrl+ R to show the ruller of the canvas. Click and drag the ruler to the center of the picture. It helps you to draw the dot easier.

Now, submit the pattern . Click Edit – Define Pattern.. – Name it – OK

Step 3

Back to second document. Reasterize the background (Double click & OK the background layer). After that, click fx icon, choose Pattern Overlay... Set the configuration as this picture below:

Step 4

Type your text (I set it “Orb’s”), make it Century Ghotic type with 404px sized. Give it stroke as the picture below:

Step 5

Now, move the backround and the text to the first document (Use Move Tool).

To make 3D effect, we have to change the prespective of the background and the text. Free transform those picture and text, then right click again to use the tools such us Prespective and Distort.

To tranform the text, we should rasterize it first. But, don’t do it yet. Ctrl+ J twice to duplicate it and you have three texts now. Choose the first layer and press Ctrl+ click on it to pick the shape. Now, you may rasterize them (Right click and choose Rasterize Layer Style).

Choose the third layer and press Backspace. Then, choose the second layer. Right click on the cancas and choose Select Inverse and press Backspace (Don’t forget to active the Marquee Tool first).

Tips: The function of Marquee Tool is for editing shape (Such us: size, scale, warp and etc.) and Move tool is for editing the coordinate or position of the object. Don’t forget that you will not find the Marquee Tool options (Scale, warp, distort, and etc.) when you active the Move Tool and vice versa.

Now, if you spread it, you will have three different style of those layers.

Then, to edit the all of layers we have made, we should select them (Hold Ctrl+ click which layer you want to choose), then transform it as the background before.

Step 6

In this step, we will make a 3D effect for the text without using 3D feature of the Photoshop (It helps the low PC get 3D effect. We know that 3D effect need high system requirement of PC). At first make 3 groups or folders named “Base”, “Ornaments”, and “Wall”. Then, put those layers in to new groups.

Choose Base, set the position touch the background. Next, change the Ornament’s position reach little bit to the background.

Click on Polygonal Lasso Tool, it’s time for us to create the 3D effect. We will make a secondary shape to build the 3D wall. Don’t forget to set the gradient with "any color" to paint the new walls. Okay, let’s get it started. Active the Orb’s layer in the Base Group then make the 3D wall using your Polygonal Lasso Tool as this picture. After making the path, fill it with gradient tool (Repeat this trick until done).

Now, Press Ctrl+ click the Orb’s layer. Then fill it with gradient.

To erase the unneeded parts (It looks like the wrong or unneeded part is in the grey text) choose the layer in the Ornament Group. Use the Polygonal Lasso Tool and Backspace to erase the unneeded parts.

Next, change the color with gradient from #0e0e0e to #4c4c4c.

Then, to make shadow for the text, we will use the duplicate of the Orb’s layer (In Base Group) as shadow, and place it under the original layer). After that, erase the unneeded text’s part of it using Polygonal Lasso Tool.

Tips: Imagine that the position of shadow starts from the base to the peak of shadow itself. That’s why I recommend you to erase those part when making the shadow (If we don’t, the shadow will start from the wall and not from the base).

Fill the new layer with black color. Then, transform it (Use Skew or Distort Tool). To change it in to shadow click Filter – Blur – Gaussian Blur…

For the finishing, draw the specific shadow using Gradient Tool. Take certain part of Orb’s layer by creating a path using Polygonal Lasso Tool. Then duplicate it and fill this duplicate by gradient color from #090909 to end color (To pick the end color use the color picker or use this trick below):

It shows #1c1c1c. So, the gradient starts from #090909 to #1c1c1c. Now, do the above trick as the picture below:

Tips: Remember, take a path from Orb’s layer, duplicate, and fill the duplicate.

Look! It takes a lot of layers. You can transform them in to a single layer if you want. Just choose all them, right click and click Merge Layers (But, I didn’t want to do that I guess).

Step 7

In this step, we will give ornaments for the text (It may takes a long time). Use your imagination. You can give it any objects as you want.

Make steel panel using Pen Tool. Create the path (Don’t forget to create a layer first, we call it path’s layer), fill it with any color & delete path, Ctrl+ click the path’s layer, then choose the Orb’s layer (In the Ornament group) and duplicate it. Fill the duplicated layer using Gradient Tool. Last, delete the path’s layer.

Now, make a texture as the picture below.

Use your Pencil Tool with 2px sized, 100% Opacity, and #0e0e0e color. Make a crossing pattern as the picture. Then, do it again with 1px sized, 70% Opacity, and same color around the first pattern. Now, Save your new pattern (Click Edit – Define Pattern.. – Name it – OK)

Next, add a texture you have created. Click fx icon, choose Pattern Overlay…

Make neon effect using Pen Tool. Create a layer and set the brush by Hard Round, # e0ff33 color, and 4px sized or more. Then, make a line or curve using Pen Tool. Right click on it choose Stroke Path (Check the Simulate Pressure), OK. Next, delete the path and give it glow effect (Click the fx icon, choose Outer Glow…), give it #1dcb14 color.

I decided to place this neon effect to Wall group and delete the unneeded part.

Tips: When you add or place any objects or shape, place it wherever in Wall or Ornaments group according the type and position of your object.

Open the Trees Pack. Insert any trees to the text, transform it in to proportional size.

Give it another object (Such us high building or skyscraper). Place it to your text, rezize and transform. Then, edit it by choosing Image – Adjustments – Hue/Saturations.. and set the configuration as this picture below, OK. Give it black side effect (Use brush tool with black color) and delete the unneeded part of the object.

Tips: When you erase the unneeded part, better if you make the object transparant, now you can see the text’s wall well. After erasing it, back the objeck to normal again.

Next, give the text grass texture. Transform it, create a clipping mask to the text (Place the texture layer above the text’s layer. Right click, choose Create Clipping Mask). Then, use your Clone Stamp Tool to pick a certain copy of its layer (Press Alt+ click). Go to the Orb’s layer in Base group, now use your Clone Stamp tool as usual by using grass shape. Swipe it to arround side of the text. Last, merge the clipping mask (Right click, choose Merge Down).

Tips: Grass brush or shape is installed in any Photoshop CS.

Duplicate a certain part of the text (Orb’s layer in Ornament group), fill it with gradient color and add an inner shadow on it (Press fx icon choose Inner Shadow).

You can add some panels on the text using Rectangular Marquee Tool or Polygonal Lasso Tool. Fill it with any gradient. Place it above the Orb’s Layer in the Wall group. Don’t foreget to give it shadow effect.

I also add some neon light and other steel panel.

Open your Slime texture, add it as previous trick. Now, load the Fog Brush you’ve downloaded. Brush the text with #71d100 color and various size.

Next, make some curves using Pen Tool, give it Bevel & Emboss, add some leaves on it.

Add it some leafs you’ve downloaded.

Now, give the other text dark gradient color and pool stair (First, erase the white side of the picture using Magic Eraser Tool). Then place it to the text, give it shadow effect.

Next, add an aircraft or helicopter. Give it light effect using Light Brushes. For the shadow, you can use default brush with light color and transform it (I used with color and reduce the opacity)

Now, load or install text you’ve downloaded. Type any text with 90px sized and #e8e8e8 color. Transform it and give shadow effect.

Tips: I decided to minimize the text. Better if you make big text and minimize it than make a small text and amplify it (After rasterizing it).

Step 8

Next, you can add any objects or effect as you want. Here, I blacken around the canvas using Brush Tool (Black color) and darken some parts of those picture (Such us: Leafs, grass, and tress) using Burn Tool.

I also make some neon lights as previous trick. Then, add some lights effect with #e0ff33 color. Erase unneeded part using Polygonal Lasso Tool with a current configuration below and duplicate it. You can also reduce the opacity to get realistic beam.

Last, open your lens flare pack. Add “Flare (20)” with Screen Format, then resize it.

Thank you for seeing my tutorial.

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